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Foliole – Micheal Reid Murrurundi 2024

Foliole – 17th April to 5th May 2024

When you look at a banksia or a gum tree, what do you see? For many, it’s often the iconic flowers, but I find my attention drawn to the intricate details of the leaves. In “Foliole,” I’m proud to unveil a series that celebrates eucalyptus and banksia foliage. This exhibition invites you to discover the mesmerizing patterns that emerge when you take a closer look at natural forms.

Each piece in this collection has been formed on the wheel, and then transformed using techniques such as sgraffito and mishima to mimic the intricate veins and textures of the leaves. The carved and glazed details are complemented by the natural beauty of the clay itself. Through this exploration of form and texture, “Foliole” not only celebrates the beauty of Australian flora but also invites contemplation of the delicate balance between art and nature.
